Food & drinks
Love goes through the stomach. Even love for our planet. That’s why we try to take a respectful approach to people, animals and nature at the events we organize or when arranging with other organizers. In addition to variety, quality of ingredients and great service, other key parameters such as reducing carbon footprint or organic quality are increasingly entering into our selection process. At the same time, sustainability and the gradual transition to a zero-waste model are in consideration. It won’t happen right away, but we have a goal, plans and we’d love to share them with you!
What are we aiming for in the events we are organising?
We are expanding our meat-free and plant-based food offerings. We are increasing the proportion of local suppliers from the region. We prefer Czech ingredients to imported ones. Drinks come in reusable cups, food in compostable dishes. We distinguish seventeen types of waste within the premises. Including gastro-waste and bio-waste. Find out more in the Waste section.
We have established cooperation with gastro operators from Hradec Králové and region. We have also approached growers, farmers, fruit growers and breeders from the region to gradually minimize the transport of raw materials and food.
We want to support Czech producers. So we prefer carrots to mangoes. We prefer Czech pigs to Argentine bulls. Rapeseed oil over palm oil from plantations in Indonesia.
Every food and raw material leaves a carbon footprint – when it is grown, raised, processed, stored, transported, distributed… That is why we have developed a pyramid of preferred raw materials and foods, which takes into account not only the difficulty of production, but also the distance from the place of production and the regime in which it is grown/kept (organic, fairtrade).
The days of disposable plastics are over. They are banned in the Czech Republic and the EU (straws, cutlery, cups…). That is why we use compostable utensils, which we then pass on to a nearby composting plant.